Mark and Rose Mowery and their four boys transitioned to Alaska three years ago. But their passion for encouraging pastors and missionaries is something that God placed in each of their hearts during high school. God has allowed them a variety of avenues to pursue their passions.
Their previous experience serving overseas with New Tribes Mission allowed them to go through some of the hard things that go along with serving in ministry and living in isolated, cross-cultural contexts. They are excited to see God using some of the difficulties from their past experiences to encourage the pastors and missionaries in remote Alaska. They love going out as a family whenever they can to allow the boys to be involved in ministry as well. Service projects like helping with maintenance, packing, cleaning, raking leaves or cutting wood open the door for them to go into the villages and build relationships while also helping with practical needs. They also enjoy going out individually and as a couple. Mark leads the ministry team, and they both enjoy helping out with the various retreats.
To give to the Mowery family or other ABM staff missionaries you can visit our website at . Thank you for your prayers and financial giving that makes a way for the Gospel to go out to remote Arctic regions.