ABM Staff Spotlight

Keeping up with the Hadfield Family…

Sara and Paul Hadfield have served with ABM for five and a half years.  Paul is the aviation team leader.  When he’s not overseeing the ministry’s flight operations, he loves to spend time in the cockpit flying ABM staff or volunteers to and from villages and providing transportation for ministry families.  Paul recently flew to a village where the leaders of a Bible camp are expanding their facilities. It was Paul’s privilege not only to visit and encourage these dear friends, but also to help practically with the      construction project. Sara supports Paul on the home front and serves as an editor for ABM publications. She also enjoys planning and hosting ABM’s  ladies’ retreats along with her teammates. She visits ministry families with Paul when she can, and she loves to practice  hospitality in her home. The Hadfield’s eldest son, Sam, is a freshman in college, and they have five other children at home:  teenagers Ben and Anna, kindergartners Aaron and Nate, and a darling four-year old girl they are fostering.

The Hadfields are honored to serve pastors, missionaries, and their families in rural communities, stirring them up to love and good works (Hebrews 10:24) as God enables. Team ABM is so blessed to have the Hadfields serving on staff!

To start supporting the Hadfield family you can click here or go to arcticbarnabas.org/donate Thank you!