A medical emergency. Profound loss. Planned responsibilities. The looming deadline to pack up their house. Mold had infected the pastor’s home. A mold remediation team was to arrive in eight days, and the family was still out of town. When they arrived home, only three days remained to empty their residence for inspection and repair.
Though humanly impossible, Jehovah Jireh had planned perfect provision. Our heavenly Father loves to include us in His work. He placed us into Christ’s body and invites us to join Him to demonstrate His amazing love to a watching world. Scripture says they will know we are His by our love.
God opened the door for two ABM women to fly out to the village to assist this ministry family in packing and to help cook for the work crew. Arriving with only a day and a half to finish packing, God surely multiplied the work of their hands just as surely as He multiplied the loaves and fishes. Tears and laughter mingled as the job went forth. Hope began to replace discouragement and despair as God showed His faithfulness to meet the challenge. For every unexpected need, God provided what was necessary to fill it. What looked like defeat, God turned into a display of His glory.
We as a body received the blessing of participating in this project. These small yet significant acts stand to remind the ministry families we serve that they’re not alone and God is faithful. Just as surely as God moved ABM staff to go to the village, so many of you played a vital part in praying and giving to make this trip possible. Praise to God who takes what we give and uses it beyond what we can ask or imagine.
“Prove me, O Lord, and try me; test my heart and my mind. For your steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in your faithfulness.” (Psalm 26:2-3, ESV).