Healthy Thriving Leaders Making Space for God Amidst the Busyness of Ministry…

Represented here is a group of pastors and missionaries who live and do ministry in different parts of remote Alaska. Some live in more remote locations than others, some preach, some fix or fly planes, and others are tasked with developing healthy communities and leadership programs. All the while, these men have families, wives, house chores, relatives who live far away, and stories of their own. This past winter quarter our team at ABM provided three retreats tailored to the needs of those who pastor and minister in outer Alaska and Canada. They had a chance to just “be,” tell their untold stories, and pray together for their families and the challenges of ministry in bush Alaska.

Too often we forget to allow our Christian leaders in ministry the right to their own humanity and untold stories. Together, with the support of our Ministry Partners, our staff at Arctic Barnabas Ministries is able to make connections, provide restful retreats, and support pastors and missionaries on their own turf. With good weather flying on the horizon our staff will transition from retreats to in-person visitation and work trips. We look forward to continue sharing what God is doing around Alaska and in the hearts of the pastors and missionaries serving here.

To give toward a retreat or ABM trip out to an Arctic Village go to