Get set for some great news!
Already this year, Arctic Barnabas visited 18 bush villages for ministry opportunities, made 60 face-to-face visits with ministry leaders, provided 2 retreats, hosted 20 ministry families for R & R at Light on the Hill Alaska and provided counseling services for fifteen leaders. We look forward to a busy summer of fish camp, numerous work projects and ministry trips and face-to-face meetings with 105 ministry families. And that just covers summer!
Yes, God provides for pastor and missionary families in remote Alaska and Northern Canada through the pastoral care and ministry of ABM. We come alongside pastors and missionaries to make sure they have resources in place and share the love of Jesus to advance the gospel in over 100 communities.
“We” includes YOU! We recently greeted a missionary and his family at our local airport and transported them to a bible camp for a week of child evangelism training. His wife said “I had peace and confidence in this trip because I knew you (ABM) would be here to take care of us.” Partners like you make this possible. Thank you for your prayers and financial gifts. You play a vital part in God’s work in the Arctic.
More good news… Last year, we paid off our $250,000 interest free loan. Our hangar, facilities, aircraft and everything we use to advance God’s Kingdom stand debt free!
Where we are now… Debt pay off along with a summer slump in giving puts a strain on our cash flow. Our ministry efforts and impact run at full speed, but our resources remain low. In addition to our immediate financial need, our new budget year started July 1, and requires $282,000 in addition to what ABM partners already committed. This amount includes $122,000 of capital expenditures like avionic upgrades and other aircraft needs.
Here’s how you can help… Please pray. Ask God to provide the resources we need to encourage, strengthen and equip pastor and missionary families in remote Alaska and Northern Canada. Please give. Follow the DONATE link on our website and choose an amount God impresses upon you to continue His work through ABM.
I am grateful for our ABM Staff and Partners like you!
Better Together,
Dr. Jim Hamilton, Executive Director