AB Candidate Missionaries: Pete & Betsy Ekle + 2 kiddos (Josie 9 & Sam 5)
Missionary Location: Portland, Oregon soon to move to Alaska!
Ministry Update: Candidacy Life by Pete Ekle
“Living Out Dependency & Confronting Fear”
Kenai Airport Collage Pic for Blog
God is always calling me into deeper intimacy with Him. I am always praying that God would help me move into deeper waters with Him. However, I never seem to move to the places that we both want to go. I know that I am waiting on something that won’t happen unless I act. I want what I can’t get. And yet God has heard me praying for that intimacy that eludes me. He is faithful in ways that I seldom expect…
In the light of ever changing developments with work, missions candidacy and family, my dependency on God must go to a place that we have not been before. When I think about that place, even though I haven’t seen its landscape, I am filled with apprehension and fear. I wonder if this will be just another chance for me to fail in my relationship with God or if this will finally be that high place where I fully surrender to His call to know Him and be known. You see, that is my fear. Silly as it may seem, I am afraid that God will see all of me and not like it. And isn’t that the fear that we all have? God sees all of us and He is madly in love with us. But we are afraid. I think that He is moving me into “a desert of dependency” in which I will have no choice but to lay bare all of who I am and finally accept that He is the only One who can truly know all of me and love all of me. What a beautiful quagmire He leads me into so that I will reach up for Him and say, “Abba, Father.” 907190_10151526799387270_1627184688_n-1
Thank you God that you are long suffering and full of grace. Thank you that even though I feel lost in a land that is not mine, a quagmire of doubt, you are my solid rock and my firm footing. With you, nothing is impossible and I have every confidence in your ability. You are my strong tower and refuge.
-Pete Ekle
Read More about the Ekles’ Journey on their blog.
Give to the Ekles on-line today to help send them to join us at ABM in Alaska!