Spencer Moore

Board Member

Spencer was born and raised in North Carolina. He grew up loving basketball and the outdoors and learned about faith from an early age being born into a ministry family. His parents chose homeschool as the best option for both education and discipleship. In high school he experienced multiple mission trips and ministry opportunities to serve growing up.

After high school, he attended Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and studied Business. He met his bride-to-be, Morgan, who just happened to be from Anchorage, Alaska. After graduation he moved to Alaska, got married, and began working in the construction industry. He quickly got a first-hand lesson in geography and seeing the challenges that stem from the enormity of the state and working to serve the logistical needs of those who live here. Since 2019, he has served on staff at Mountain City Church in the accounting department and more recently as the director of outreach.

He’s been blessed to experience the many wonders of Alaska, from sport fishing, to ATV riding, to commercial fishing in Bristol Bay. Alaska is an amazing place where Spencer and his wife have chosen to raise their four beautiful kids. He brings a unique heart for both pastors and missionaries, as his own father is a pastor and his sister and her family are missionaries. He’s excited to see all of Alaska reached with the Gospel.