The Gift of Ministry Partnership

ABM Missionaries: Pete & Betsy + 2 Kiddos (Josie & Sam)

Trip Location: Mount Hope Baptist Church, Northern Virginia

Ministry Purpose: Baptisms & Ministry Partnership

ABM Missionary Betsy Ekle (above) being hugged by her newly baptized friend and ministry partner.

Before new Arctic Barnabas Missionaries can make the long trek north to the mission field they usually spend 1-2 years building Ministry Partner relationships. This little discussed process is a challenging but invaluable step in the spiritual growth & ministry development of our missionaries. Candidate Missionaries Pete & Betsy Ekle are literally traveling coast to coast sharing Jesus and building relationships that will last, and together, help spread the Gospel of Jesus in the Arctic.

Mount Hope Friends

In reflecting on her trip Betsy writes, “This past month we travelled to Virginia. I was able to speak for 45 minutes about “Calling” and ABM. Then, the main event, we cried, celebrated & watched as our long time friends and Ministry Partners decided to follow Christ and be baptized. Isn’t this what being in ministry is all about?… Loving others, no strings attached, without pretense or ambition, and then watching God as he changes hearts. I’m amazed that even as we feel like we’re “waiting” to do ministry, God does not see it that way. Even in the Candidacy process God grows us and our Ministry Partners. Lives are being changed and transformed before our eyes no matter our zip code! ” -Betsy Ekle

If you’d like to partner with or read more about the Ekles in their Candidacy process you can click here!